We have taken the plegde!

Megara has taken the pledge!

Operation Clean Sweep


Here at Megara, we take our responsibility to protect the environment very seriously. From closed loop manufacturing and zero post-industrial waste, it was a no brainer for us to take the next step and join Operation Clean Sweep.


For those of you that don’t know, here is a brief snippet from their website to fill you in…


“Making zero pellet loss your goal.


The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) introduced the Operation Clean Sweep® program to the USA in 1992. Since then it has also been successfully implemented in over 22 jurisdictions including Europe, New Zealand and Canada. The message is simple: Resin pellets should be contained, reclaimed and/or disposed of properly. The program has now been introduced to Australia in an effort to follow the USA industry goal of zero pellet loss. This project was funded through the Victorian Government’s Litter Hotspots Program.”


The process of manufacturing Promeg polypropylene sheet starts with our raw ingredients in pellet form. These pellets are tiny and can easily end up on the floor and then eventually into our water ways. By joining Operation Clean Sweep, we’re not only helping ourselves, but the planet too. It’s a win-win.

We have signed a pledge to demonstrate our commitment to a clean environment and are proud to be a part of such an important movement.


To find out more head to www.opcleansweep.org.au


Questions? Give us a call on +61 3 8720 6600 or shoot us an email at hello@megara.com.au

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